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Text of old Rules of GRIF - until 25th May 2010

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 7:52 pm
by Herbal
1. The user keeps to the theme of forum and of its topics. Off-topic topics and replies are not allowed out of section dedicated to this matter. Spam topics and replies are strictly forbidden. Spam includes particularly offering goods and services or any other kind of advertising and flooding of forum by abusive or unwanted topics and replies.

2. The user writes in English. User may use his native language, if it differs from English, as long as the user will include an English translation of the said in the same reply.

3. The user may upload files in following formats and limits:
a. .zip and .rar files - up to 1MB;
b. .png, .jpg and .gif files - up to 1MB and 800x600 pix. with exemption of avatars, which may not exceed 60kB and 120x120 px.

4. The user may use signature to his topics and replies in following limits:
a. signature can consist lines of text up to 4 lines of letters in normal size or 5 lines of letters in small size;
b. signatures with letters in inadequate size are not allowed;
c. pictures of any kind, size and resolution are not allowed.

5. The user respects other members of community. Flaming and other abusive or annoying behavior is not allowed. Sexual harassment and propagation of doctrines and movements oriented to limitation or negation of human rights are strictly forbidden.

6. The user respects copyright and other proprietary rights of individuals, particularly of other users, and corporate bodies. Asking for or offering links to warez content is strictly forbidden.

7. GRIF reserves the right to delete any abusive content from its forum, the right to punish user for any committed infringement of these rules in accordance to weight of the infringement by means of an official warning, temporary and even permanent banning and the right to take any other reasonable measure to prevent continuation or repeating of any behavior or situation, which does not comply within these rules.

We wish you a happy use of this forum on behalf GRIF Staff.
DXTR & Trigger Happy