Räbinä Awards 2010 - The Gala Thread

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Räbinä Awards 2010 - The Gala Thread

Post by 1nsane »


Hello, fans of Generally! :gr: :hattip:

First of all... Like propably all of you know, there has been a big disaster in Japan. The distressing images have been show to us about the water taking everything with it, and now even problems with the nuclear reactors. Over a thousand people have already lost their lives and unfortunately the number keeps on getting higher. For this reason, I would like that all of you would have a minute of silence to think about the people in Japan, the Japanese Generally players and the lost lives.
A tribute for the event:

We may not be able to help them anyway even if we wanted, but what we can do now is to support them mentally by staying happy and sending that power to them. The whole Räbinä Awards crew would like to send their condolences for the people who have lost a close one or their homes.

So the game has now been available for 9 years. What started out as just a small game mady by two normal Finnish students has grown into quite possibly the most well known free downloadable driving game. And there is a good reason for this. Well.. Many actually, but let's try to cram it into one reason this year. The game is just simply something extraordinary. With the features the game now has, you can really feel the dedication put into the game by the Räbinä brothers.

But obviously, the game couldn't get the status it has without you. The reason why the game keeps on living is because you people keep on believing in the game. You belive that the game gets better when you release the tracks, the cars, the sounds, the palettes and everything else. And because you believe, you actually make it happen.

And now it's a great time to head back to the past! I have been a part of the community since 2003. Already back then I thought that the creations couldn't get any better. They were already mind blowing. But somehow every year there is a newcomer or two who will push the limits of the game. Maybe not during the rookie year, but soon. And once someone does something exceptionally well, others want to obviously try and get to the same level. Now this is the good way of copying and developing. At around 2006 I decided that I wouldn't make new content for GR because already back then everything else was just taking too much of time. And I have to say that it propably was a good decision. It has been such a huge pleasure to watch the development of the game and the content during the years.

The GR community is also something totally different from pretty much any other community. This place just has that homely feeling. There are no blatant copy-paste "trackmakers" or "carmakers", the people seem to live in peace (although there was that funny little squabble between a few members... Not saying names but man, did I laugh when both of the sides talked to me at the same time in MSN mocking each other. :D ) The community also has the real feeling of wanting to help the others to get better. This can be seen already in the amount of additional programs created for Generally, and the amount of tutorials made.

While 2009 was more of getting back on the feet after falling many times (I guess we are cockroaches), 2010 was clearly a year of development. GTGR got revealed after a long wait, Lmap buildings got clearly better and the overall level got higher all around the board. And my home got more lively! (Off-topic area, that is). And if this wasn't enough, the big one happened in the beginning of 2011. After 7 years of waiting, the messiah had landed! The results of this will be seen all through the forth coming year.

I would like to thank all of you people for the year 2010 and all of the years I have been a part of the community.

But, without stretching this anymore.. Behold! It's the time for the awards that make even the Oscars feel like awards for everyday people!

It's time for the Räbinä Awards 2010!

-Mandatory official lines written by the sponsors-


You are free to post whenever you want. And just like last year, you are more than free to make commercial breaks during the event announce, for example a new compo, a new track, a new car, or that you have just accidentally dropped your behind while laughing so much. Just specify that it is a commercial break by stating it in the title of the post. Or create an extremely annoying theme song for the ad, at that point EVERYONE surely knows it's an advertisement. While this is a moment of celebration for the winners, this is the moment of celebration for you too, so make most out of it! Let's have a text party! WHOO! :drink:

This year there will be 8 different awards given. To make the presenters' lives a bit harder, they had to also write a speech (I'm personally doing this 5 am...).
On their message you will find a link "And the Golden Räbinäs go to...", which gives you the award which has the results inside.

The order of presenting:
#1. CarMaker presented by Rendy
#2. TrackMaker presented by Nielske
#3. Comp. Organizer presented by Soltys
#4. Rookie presented by Mr.J
#5. Commentator presented by Martyn
#6. Racer
#7. Honorary Awards 2010 presented by Trigger Happy, In memoriam by Buka
#8. Community Member presented by mizzamar
Important links:
Räbinä Awards discussion thread
Räbinä Awards nominations thread

AAAH MY FINGERS ARE BURNING! And propably your eyes are burning too, so...

1nsane :)
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Re: Räbinä Awards 2010 - The Gala Thread

Post by Lukeno94 »

Argh, Car maker first? :D At least I don't have to wait long to give praise to the winner :D
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Re: Räbinä Awards 2010 - The Gala Thread

Post by The MNZ »

*commercial break*
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, commercial time ended.
*commercial break*
GRF1, the biggest compo on GeneRally! The season already started, but before late than never, so SIGN UP and ENJOY![/madddoggmode]
*commercial break*
Next Masa projects :Earthquake-safe car, Chibi Bus
*end of commercial*
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Re: Räbinä Awards 2010 - The Gala Thread

Post by Alonsomania »

Let's see who are the big winners of tonight, and let's see who get drunk in the afterparty :drink:
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Re: Räbinä Awards 2010 - The Gala Thread

Post by Jim451 »

Hi guys how are you? So funny to organize the Rabina Awards this way it's really exciting!
Glad to see that there is people working on GR very pleased with the brand new version of GR! that's huge!
Also thinking about people in japan, still shocked by those images I've seen...
Phil Lynott is god...THIN LIZZY RULES
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Re: Räbinä Awards 2010 - The Gala Thread

Post by TuomoH »

Jim451 wrote:Hi guys how are you? So funny to organize the Rabina Awards this way it's really exciting!
Glad to see that there is people working on GR very pleased with the brand new version of GR! that's huge!
Also thinking about people in japan, still shocked by those images I've seen...
Hehe, nice to see the enthusiasm of a first timer. :D My thoughts have also been somewhat in Japan, hope there will be as little casualties as possible.

Then for the commercial side of this message: I'm working on an abstract [oth] [tpk] :hide:

Can't wait to see the awards. :cool2:
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Re: Räbinä Awards 2010 - The Gala Thread

Post by Rendy »


Cars - one of mankind's creations that evolved throughout the years. The evolution is as the same as in GeneRally where every car maker makes cars, and tries to evolve their carmaking skills. Imagine, what's GeneRally without a car? Without it, we wouldn't be able to drive in bazillions of user-created GR tracks, we wouldn't see great competitors inspired by real-life competitions, and even we won't have an object that we can control using our defined buttons. People would think that making a car is just one easy job: defining vertexes and polygons so that they can form cars. However, making cars isn't just about defining 30 polygons and 40 polygons, it's more than that; what is a car without an appropriate physics? How fast would it go? How stable would it has? And most importantly, how well the car performs on any terrain? Well, carmaking is indeed a complex thing to do, but it can be fun. These nominees in this category show that their carmaking talents are worth to evolve into the higher level, and make carmaking fun. Alright, without any Rory-Gilmore-talking-at-a-speed-of-Soldat-Crinale-and-Kamata-Angelus speech, I present to thee...
Nominees for CarMaker of the Year 2010:
Fechna, Genetleman, Haruna, JWong, Krisu, Lukeno94, Ms..., Ryumi
And the Golden Rabinas goes to...
Y'all, I just woke up... what did I miss?

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Re: Räbinä Awards 2010 - The Gala Thread

Post by Haruna »

, that award is very well deserved. :bg:
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Re: Räbinä Awards 2010 - The Gala Thread

Post by nielske »


First of all I would also like to wish everyone in Japan lots of strength, and I hope that everyone's friends and families are able to get through it all. A good friend's friend is in the area that was hit hardest, and we still haven't heard from her or her family, and having seen the images, there is plenty of reason for fear. May hope prevail.


As 1nsane already said, it's staggering how the overall quality of our community's tracks just seems to get better and better, despite the constraints that the game poses. But, as I always say: The less you have to work with, the more creative you'll have to get.

And our community has certainly shown a lot of creativity, year after year. I bet Hannu and Jukka would have never been able to imagine the things we have come up with, when they first released their game.

Not only to we have tonnes of traditional style racetracks, we also have ovals, rallies, the wildest stunt tracks, recreations of other games, real-life scenes that have nothing to do with racing at all... All in this one little racing game.

It's the power of simplicity in the hands of individuals that keep inspiring and challenging each other with their wonderful creations.

Now, on to this year's winner. Despite some tough competition to be up against, our winner took a convincing lead with his wonderful recreations of real-life tracks and his enjoyable rally stages... Click below to reveal the result!

Nominees for TrackMaker of the Year 2010:

AleksiNir, Bouncebackability, Cristiano Bohessef, Dan Hakulín, Daro05, Dragon, egamad, Halama, HJ, Trigger Happy , Maciej1, Martyn, mizzamar, Ms..., TuomoH, XYY
And the Golden Räbinäs goes to...
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Re: Räbinä Awards 2010 - The Gala Thread

Post by The MNZ »

My favorite on each category!
Congrats to...
Are you sure than you do not will see on the votes?
Ok, Masa and Maciej1!
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Re: Räbinä Awards 2010 - The Gala Thread

Post by LongBow »

I :bowdown: to both award takers. Simply deserved!
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Re: Räbinä Awards 2010 - The Gala Thread

Post by Mad Dan »

Congrats to both winners :bg:. I like the fact that we are able to read reasons why people gave these guys their votes ;).

*Commercial break*
Intercontinental Rally Challenge is new GR competition, first season already started but it´s never too late to join us. We use S2000 rally cars and the most challenging stages in generally world. As Eurosport does in the original IRC, GRMFED also provide world with live TV coverage of all stages.

You can join us at next rally - Aras River Rally 2011

If you are interested you can watch here highlights from first rally of 2011 season, the famous Winteria Rally :popcorn: .
*End of commercial break*
Last edited by Mad Dan on Sun Mar 13, 2011 12:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Räbinä Awards 2010 - The Gala Thread

Post by Lukeno94 »

Congratulations to both victors, very much as I'd expected! :)
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Re: Räbinä Awards 2010 - The Gala Thread

Post by bduddy »

The work of these two was so outstanding all year, I don't think there was much doubt by anyone that they were going to win :clap:
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Re: Räbinä Awards 2010 - The Gala Thread

Post by resir014 »

*Commercial break*



gr.f1 Formula One World Championship 2011
by Miskolc Racing Foundation

gr.f1 is back for a new season, this time in the hands of the Miskolc Racing Foundation!

gr.f1 is a competition made to simulate real-world Formula One racing in GeneRally, providing real F1 cars, real-world racing tracks from every corner of the globe, and world-class GeneRally racers.

Season 2011 was already started on 08 January 2011, but some spots are still open for the next race.

Next Race: Race 10 - Hockenheim, Germany - 12-17 March 2011.

Official competition thread.
Competition website.
Downloads section.

Presented by the Miskolc Racing Foundation.

*End of commercial break*
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Re: Räbinä Awards 2010 - The Gala Thread

Post by XYY »

Time for commercials :D

Visit my new gr homepage! If I find some free time, I might also add the text-pages :D And you might get some files there (not now :D) that you can't download here :)

Congrats to Maciej1 and to Ms... Well-deserved winners :clap:
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Re: Räbinä Awards 2010 - The Gala Thread

Post by resir014 »

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Re: Räbinä Awards 2010 - The Gala Thread

Post by Lukeno94 »

*(Another) Commercial break*
Old Hatch Series - This will be THE definitive car pack, offering enormous variety and enormous fun! And you can take part as well by helping me make the cars - as long as you make them to the style of the pack! Submissions to lukeno94(at)hotmail.com, and if you want to follow OHS on Facebook - you can!
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Re: Räbinä Awards 2010 - The Gala Thread

Post by Alex »

*And one more commercial break*
Want to race in the Phillipines but tired of racing on Subic Bay? Then moan no more! Alex is currently in the process of making Batangas Racing Circuit for Generally V1.10! Coming soon to your GR game in late March 2011!
Batangas.gif (10.98 KiB) Viewed 9511 times
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Re: Räbinä Awards 2010 - The Gala Thread

Post by resir014 »

*And now, instead of putting commercials, why not adding music breaks between awards?* :D

*End of music break*
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Re: Räbinä Awards 2010 - The Gala Thread

Post by Soltys »


A GeneRally Competition... some would say that without a car and a track there won't be any competition and he/she would be right. There's another thruth, that without GR Competitions car and track makers wouldn't see others doing unbelivable things with their masterpieces - putting theirs cars absolutely to the limits, using every inch of a track's layout to be quicker and quicker. I belive that there's no better prize for any car or track maker just to see its work at the Competition.

Is it easy to organize a competition? It's not, it's really hard to find a way for a successful competition. There're many factors determining a competition success and all of the competition orgranizers work hard to contain them all, they work accurately on the rules to make it equal for everyone, they chose cars and tracks that will suite both top and rookie drivers, they're all looking for new ideas to attract new drivers and to make competition more challangeable. In the end they make drivers to be a real stars and then just to be legends.

It's a great honor for me to show you the best of the best of the best of the GR Competitions organizers! Check out who grabbed the prize!
Nominees for Competition Organizer of the Year 2010:

Buka, Cristiano Bohessef, GRMFED (Trigger Happy&Dan Hakulín), Jim451, Jo.sk, Madd Dogg, Pedra, Quklis, Santana 2.0.
And the Golden Räbinäs go to...
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Re: Räbinä Awards 2010 - The Gala Thread

Post by Jim451 »

Well deserved award congrate to GRMFED team Ivo & Dan!
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Re: Räbinä Awards 2010 - The Gala Thread

Post by Mr.J »


Before starting I want to say that it is an honour to be a Räbinä Awards presenter. I deeply appreciate the opportunity to be a part of the Gala. So, let's got on with it - Rookie of the Year 2010.

I think we all can agree that 2010 was a hard year for Generally and the community. Building a new home for us has been a though time. In these times there is one thing to keep us alive - Rookies. Without a constant feed of newcomers, this wonderful game, made by two brothers in the deep and dark forests of Finland, the game we love would fall into a coma.

When looking at the mind-blowing creations and lightening fast racers one has to remember: they have all been rookies.
And even through the though year of 2010 we had an amazing feed of new talents, both at creating and racing. After all these years, Generally isn't just a game... it's become a "society"... The new rookies have smoothly fitted into the society and are more than welcome.

Always bear in mind that you are the future! :hug:

*ripping up the envelope, clearing throat*
Nominees for Rookie of the Year 2010:

Areen, Daro05, HJ, JWong, Manzur, Sutinen, XYY, Zegarek.
And the Golden Räbinäs go to...
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Re: Räbinä Awards 2010 - The Gala Thread

Post by XYY »

Wow, what a honour! And a 10 points difference to the next :bsmile:
... I'll directly post that at my homepage :D
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Re: Räbinä Awards 2010 - The Gala Thread

Post by Trigger Happy »

At fist big congrats from me carmaker, trackmaker and rookie of year. Your efforts gave us lot of fun. :bg:

Secondly thank you very much for the compo organizer award. It's great motivation to do the things and try them better than previously. :bsmile:

Finally my personal huge thanks to XXY for choosing me for his vote in the trackmaker election. :bowdown:
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