GeneRally Database

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Re: GeneRally Database

Post by Txizzle »

I'll try to have a look at it some time, might take a while though, have been very overstressed lately.
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Re: GeneRally Database

Post by Kikwik »

No pressure, no worries. Take your time and don't feel obliged to do so, it's fine. :)

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Re: GeneRally Database

Post by Kikwik »

I was searching and sorting some unknown tracks and was stumbling multiple times on tracks that share some similarities with CamrosX ones. And I have nowhere to see a comprehensive list of his tracks.

As an example, I stumbled across Iraq Race (07-2008) and Fastfood (09-2008) among others which have a strong CamrosX style and theme, with the good period of time and a "Player" time attack like many of his tracks, but I want to be more sure before sorting tracks blindly.

If you remember some of his and have a list or few names, it will help me much. You may also check the tracks in the "Unknown Trackmaker" folder on the GR Database and search around 2008 and 2007 if you want to check out by curiosity.

Also if someone have those .:spawnhypno:. tracks as stated by him :
- the Organizmus trackpack (a bunch of grungy-type tracks released after the first RSC blackout)
- Los Cascara. It won the TdM competition on the Italian boards in May '09 under my third screenname, //squeak\\.
- A track based in France with a figure eight in it and some very difficult corners. Don't remember it's name, it was my second or third last track.
Those are the only ones missing from him and known.

Any informations about Martyn's tracks (also known as Gibernau Fan or Fzzbcs) and Siki (a trackmaster but known for at least one track Nogaro, big mistery here) are appreciated too.

I updated the Real Life Tracks List to include a list of all the known missing tracks so if you have the luck to have them or recognise them in the Unknown Trackmaker folder, feel free to pm me. I'll credit you and thank you as such.

That's all for the moment but if you have other useful informations it will help much.

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Re: GeneRally Database

Post by BrianH »

I don't have anything to add to the conversation about unknown tracks, but I think it's fair to say that Kikwik's contribution shouldn't go unnoticed. I don't know what the process for a title similar to the Carmaker or Trackmaster ones is, but I reckon it shouldn't be a stretch to give Kikwik some title under his name such as 'the archivist'.
Thanks Kikwik for everything you've been doing!
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Re: GeneRally Database

Post by Kikwik »

It always warm my heart when someone is thankful for my work on the Database, a big hug for you BrianH ! :hug:

Thanks to you also who's still hosting the GR Database and allowing everyone to check it freely and whenever they want. :bg:

"The archivist" sounds a really cool title, but the GR Awards are over since 2015 and were based on community votes. Like the community nowadays is as active as a koala (which sleeps nearly 23h by day) I really doubt anything will be made in this regard. Plus, there's many people who deserved an award after 2015 but never receive anything.
I think it's fair to say that Kikwik's contribution shouldn't go unnoticed.
Thank you for this, that's my feelings all the time I worked on it sadly. Only few people seems aware of it, only a few thanked/helped me, as this GR Database seems not so important. Only few gave me tips, opinions, critiques, whatever. I know there's not a lot of people active for GR though, and many more modern games is making GR obsolete and obscure, a relic from the past. (Thanks to TuomoH or Trigger Happy though to put this thread pinned)

But it's ok.

I did it for GR players and for me, by pleasure. Sometimes it was not a pleasure, was really hard and long and painful. Like a lot. And I'm happy and sad at the same times, that only few people appreciate the colossal work being made for this project. Those few people (they know who they are :love: ) gave me strength and love to continue.

Like I said on my Generally changelog on the GR Database I'll make a salutary break because I'm really tired of it and have a lot of things going on in life at the moment. And I'm alone on this for so much time now it becomes painful to make more efforts.

And now time to relax. :boat:

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Re: GeneRally Database

Post by Kikwik »

Was working on the Database lately, and I was thinking and struggling to make a UI or User Interface to search for tracks and cars.

I only know about Excel to list all the content of the database so I tested with it, but it shows its limitations quite fast, as I can't sort tracks like I want, like selecting multiple research criterias (by precise years like 2006-2007-2008 only, with only [mic] tags, from author TuomoH for example) and I can't display pictures of the tracks as the Excel file size is growing fast, and the loading of the pictures are quite long even with few pictures so I can't imagine with more than 10 000 of pics.

So if anyone more skilled in computers than me could tell me some advices on how to do this properly, it would be really nice. I'm still unsure if I'll do it, as it's a monumental task, very long to do, but still I want to think about it and the possible ways to do this.

So what I want is :
. To sort and display a very big list of content and be able to sort them by selecting multiple research criterias.
. Have pictures displayed correctly and in a moderate size for each content.
. Users would only be able to search and download content, no upload from them.

I thought about a website for this, but if there's another easier solution it would be better.

Any tips is gladly welcome. :)

Edit : I finally found something satisfying, using only Google Drive research and renaming every file and picture along. Using grid layout feature would allow users to see instantaneously tracks pictures. It would be possible to search something with multiple criterias like TuomoH + 2006 + [stu]. Sure thing, it will ask some time to do, but it's the best way to make rewarding researches. But that's really really ask time and Google Drive search is a bit uneffective when large groups of results are in, you can't sort by alphabetical order too.

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Re: GeneRally Database

Post by Emil Patanen »

Hi, Kikwik

I've now had a good look at this database and I've got to say that you (and your helpers) have done big work with this Database. It's great especially that there's some place, where one can download those palettes, sounds, fonts etc. now, when Longbow's GR Archives website isn't working :cool:

I also checked the folder of my tracks to see everything is okay there and I noticed following things:

1. There's two tracks called "omega" and "oval city", which aren't my creations. I downloaded both and checked them out. The track called "omega" has someone called "hj" marked as its author and this probably has confused since I had "HJ" once as my username. The track called "oval city" didn't have anything written in its author field.

2. My released tracks from Throughston onwards aren't included in the folder. This means Throughston, Vaaner Raceway, Xandom, Yeavy and Riabete are missing from there.

If you update the database at any point, these are the changes you could do to my folder. Especially the first point is important, because those two tracks are somebody else's work.
Latest releases:
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Re: GeneRally Database

Post by Kikwik »

Hi Emil ! :goodvibes:

Thanks a lot to have checked the Database ! I only have Longbow's ski sounds missing from his website but well, all the other content and more is here. :)

And thanks to have checked your folder. Weird that I forgot your latest creations as I like them and have a dedicated Emil Patanen folder among others. :D But now thanks to you , it's clean and tidy. :cool2:

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Re: GeneRally Database

Post by Emil Patanen »

Oh hey, great! Thanks for fixing these things so quickly :bsmile:
Latest releases:
Tracks: [ovl] Riabate | [cir] Yeavy | [mic] [ovl] Xandom ||| More at My Website
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Re: GeneRally Database

Post by Kikwik »

I added a "Trackmakers worth to check list" to the Database, to provides a decent and reasonable list of track creators names for an easier and better research in the Database, putting aside too old/crappy/outdated tracks at most. Link is in the first post.

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Re: GeneRally Database

Post by Txizzle »

Wow, how about a late response here. (sarcasm alert) Had a bit of (self-censhorship) of a life over the last few years, long story.

I've put all the track-folders I have into 1 file now, so not much sorting yet. Most of the folders are either like they were in the download back then, keeping the theme for those tracks together, there were a whole bunch I once reshuffled once to folder holding exclusively real life tracks for example, but there are also some folders of tracks yet to be determined in what themed folder they could go. So kinda messy. These last kind of folders I've renamed to indicate that they still need to be figured out.

Still interested in receiving the file? Otherwise maybe I can already send files of which I know they are real life tracks, or folders coherent in trackmaker and theme.
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Re: GeneRally Database

Post by Kikwik »

Oh hello Txizzle, long time no see ! :)

Sure, share it with me if you want. I'm not as active as before, but I may have a look at it, sort it and add it to the database if there's something new.

I'm always curious of what people have in their GR Folders as there's sometimes some golden nuggets. :yummy:

So yes please ! Gimme gimme ! :D

Thanks !

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Re: GeneRally Database

Post by Txizzle »

Where do I send it? It's a winrar file of roughly 130MB
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Re: GeneRally Database

Post by Kikwik »

You can upload your file on Google Drive and share the link with me by PM.

Or you may use an online website like easyupload or anything like this.

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Re: GeneRally Database

Post by Kikwik »

Alright Txizzle. I didn't sorted all your trackpack yet (there's quite a lot in "Real World" and "Rest" folders) but yet I have some good news that I want to share with you :

. I was able to retrieve some lost Errorman's tracks, really happy about this as they are quite old and quite impossible to retrieve anywhere else.

. Lot of old real world tracks were retrieved, or I fixed some entries that were missing. Again really happy to complete the list there.

. I rediscovered some tracks that were pretty good or discover some authors that I wasn't aware or missed completely, so it's more of a personal point there, but important for me.

So it don't seems much written like this, but you really helped me and the Database with this trackpack as I was really surprised to retrieve lost/missing tracks. I don't know how you got them, but thank you to have shared it with me, and to anyone who still playing GR in 2024 ! :goodvibes:

I added you in the appropriate credits and thanks section in the Database. :bg:

I'll keep sorting little by little and if I have some other news I'll tell you. :)

Good day Txizzle, see you !

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Re: GeneRally Database

Post by Txizzle »

Glad to contribute, and if I can help in figuring some more out about the who/what I'll help.
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Re: GeneRally Database

Post by Kikwik »

Hi everyone !

I just added a link to my personal GR Best Of folder on the GR Database, so if you want to check it, please feel free to do so by going to the GR Database changelog, click on the link and enjoy. ^c^

More informations are on the changelog.

See you ! :goodvibes:

01/06/2024 : Updated folder. Will probably keep tweaking it and upload it regularly, my goal being to create the most complete and up to date GR folder. I still have to tweak some cars and sort some folders though.

The Unofficial Archivist of GR1 - Founder of the GR Database
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