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Re: Juan's tools

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 5:37 pm
by Emil Patanen
I'm not able to get connected to the website behind "Required files" link on Juan's webpage, even though I'm able to get connected to other websites. Does anyone else suffer from the same problem? And could someone, who has those files, send them to my email, please?

Re: Juan's tools

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 6:56 pm
by Trigger Happy
@ Daniel Rosenberger, Emil: This is the original zip archive from Juan's website, I think these dlls are free to share, so no issue to (temporarily) upload them here.
Required files (1.2 MB)
Unzip the files into the same folder where you have the tools or in the %System% folder. If that doesn't work, install the Visual Basic 6 run-time files from Microsoft.
(1.21 MiB) Downloaded 621 times

Re: Juan's tools

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 11:06 am
by Daniel Rosenberger
@ Daniel Rosenberger, Emil: This is the original zip archive from Juan's website, I think these dlls are free to share, so no issue to (temporarily) upload them here.
Required files (1.2 MB)
Unzip the files into the same folder where you have the tools or in the %System% folder. If that doesn't work, install the Visual Basic 6 run-time files from Microsoft.

thanks for the files but when i unzip them it still says that a file is invalid or missing.

Re: Juan's tools

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:40 pm
by Emil Patanen
Thanks a lot for putting them here, Trigger Happy :)

Re: Juan's tools

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 9:01 pm
by Trigger Happy
You're welcome, guys. :)
Daniel Rosenberger wrote:thanks for the files but when i unzip them it still says that a file is invalid or missing.
I think downloading isn't enough, they must be placed in the folder mentioned above and maybe something more, it was few times discussed in Help subforum, try to look there.

Re: Juan's tools

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 9:27 pm
by puttz
Try running it as an administrator in Windows XP compatibility mode.

Re: Juan's tools

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 4:02 pm
by Daniel Rosenberger
Thanks for the tipps it finally worked :bg:

Re: Juan's tools

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 4:08 pm
by Alonsomania
Does the SaveGame reader actually works with the most recent version of GR or am I just stuffing things up?

Re: Juan's tools

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 4:43 pm
by FRUKIScze
I am using SaveGame Reader in my competition, and the competition runs in 1.20c so...i think it does :bg:

Re: Juan's tools

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 6:56 pm
by Alonsomania
So I thought, but this doesn't look completely right.

Oh, for whatever reason it works now. No clue what I did, but fine, it works :)

Re: Juan's tools

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 9:22 pm
by Haruna
I'm getting some pretty horsesh!t values for Frame Step, like some several trillion, even though I've quadruple-checked the FS to be a normal value. What's wrong?

Re: Tools & Utilities Request Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 5:25 am
by Haruna
Can someone do a small favor and re-upload Juan's tools elsewhere - particularly Save Game Reader and the new Car Editor? I'll need it for a guide that I'd like to drop before I potentially leave.

Re: Juan's tools

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 5:00 pm
by RobertRacer
The Website isn't working anymore. Can someone give me the car editor via PM/Email?

EDIT: Downloaded it over :)

Re: Juan's tools

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 10:40 am
by K5054
I have a problem with CE 1.0. It opens, but after that I can't do anything. What should I do?

Re: Juan's tools

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 7:39 pm
by Ricardolosso
Everything works fine and dude thnx for the car editor...perfect! Only one thing, the Option (editor) doesn't work :(

I've tried with Windows Compability but that also doesn't work...please help someone :)

Re: Tools WIP

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 6:54 pm
by MarinZG2006
I really can't seem to get the hang of the car editor. :shrug:

When i click on the "help" button, it does nothing,
if i try to visit Juan's website, it cant be reached. :headbang:

Help anyone?

Re: Juan's tools

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 1:32 pm
by RudyOosterndijk
Don't worry, Juan's page is down.
Which version of his CarEditor do you have? And what do you need help with?

Re: Juan's tools

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2020 11:59 am
by EnemysKiller
Hey there!

I'm aware that probably nobody is active here anymore, but I'll try asking regardless.
The issue I have is that the palette in the car editor looks pretty horrible IMO and I'd like to change it.

First of all, is that theoretically even possible? Or are those colors hard-coded into GeneRally?
Does anyone still know at least which programming language the editor is written in?
Is there some way to get the source code for it, or to edit the palette that must be somewhere inside the exe file?

Is it maybe possible to change the palette seen here by changing the palette of the actual game?
If yes, that would also change the tracks you see in game, correct?
If that's the case, then why do you have more color options for cars in game than in the car editor?

Thanks for any help.

Re: Juan's tools

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2020 7:07 pm
by RudyOosterndijk
You can use a custom palette in-game. Just go to the settings and pick a palette from the palette folder inside GeneRally's main directory. There are quite a lot of custom palettes around this forum and on GR Archives. Unfortunately, the latter page has been down for a while now.

If you want to create a custom palette, you can do so using Strava's GR Pal Edit. I'm not sure about these boards, but you can surely find it on You should be aware that there are some restrictions on what you can change. The number of colors is indeed hard-coded. You will also notice that different objects share the same colors, GR Pal Edit does a decent job documenting which color does what. So if you change the whole palette of grays to shades of purple, not only the tarmac will turn purple but gray cars as well. Talking about tarmac, the range of grays used also depends on the POV of the track. That might not be true for other surfaces and colors within your palette. I'm just saying, there are some other variables that you need to play around with.

There is a workaround, though. Let's say that you want a pink McLaren. You can either paint all the polygons using the same placeholder colors used with the original GeneRally cars. There are two such placeholder colors in every palette - I don't recall their number from memory - and you can turn them into a vibrant pink by changing the primary and secondary color of your driver profile in-game. Then you can use the full spectrum of RGB colors.

And lastly, I can't tell what you mean by "horrible" colors in the car editor. You can change the color of wheels, helmets, shadows etc. in the editor but that has an impact only on the rendered preview of your car within the same tool. Doing so, you can't change any color within the game. What does impact the colors in-game, though, is the shading slider that you can adjust in the car editor. GeneRally fakes lighting by having the polygons of your car change their color to the two shades closest to the color chosen in the editor. That might result in some weird coloring only visible in-game when an orange or a dark red car partly turns into a dark blue, for example. Maybe that's what you meant with horrible...

Can you import a custom palette into the car editor and work with your custom colors? I don't think so.

Re: Juan's tools

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2020 11:35 pm
by XYY
A little extra information on car editing at this point: When you use the "normals" button (you should usually do this after finishing work on the model), the car editor will calculate some random light source. So the color you see ingame doesn't only consist of the color itself (which you see in the car editor), but also on the two colors after this initial color. Third color after these two is used for underwater. So e.g. there are three reds somewhere around 168. When you use the first, it will be alright (because the two subsequent colors are in the same range. Don't go underwater there!). When you use the third, it will look bad, because the game takes the following colors afterwards (I think it was yellow, not sure though). You might want to take a look especially at Lorenzo's cars. He uses a special method to "trick" the Normals button. When you invert all polies, press "normals", the editor will put a "light source" inside the car. This means all outer surfaces are dark. If you invert all polies again (don't press "Normals" again!) the outside is still dark, so ingame only one color is used (no shading). This allows for custom shadings and also for the use of colors which are really unique on the palette.

Maybe not 100 % on topic, but it could be a help :)

edit: the custom placeholder colors which take on the color of the driver are 0 (main color) and 4 (helmet / secondary color).