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Which software is best for GR gameplay recordings?

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 6:41 pm
by Soltys
As in subject I wonder which recording software is the best for recordind GR gameplay, I tried Fraps and it didn't go smooth, other apps didn't record a thing from GR :(. Does anyone has some experience in that?

Re: Which software is best for GR gameplay recordings?

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 8:55 am
by LongBow
I have used HyperCam for all my videos, however I have noticed that hc had some problems working under win XP back than.
There are some tricks that you can use for better GR recording (it works with all programs):

- dont use any compression method while recording. You will get bigger video files but the CPU usage will be lower, allowing you capture more frames per second.
- dont capture direct GR gameplay but the gameplay replay instead. Set the replay rate to 1/2 or even less and that record with the software with less frames per second that usual. This will lower CPU usage giving you smother video in the end. Of course you will need to speed up the recorded video in order to get a "realistic" GR gameplay. But all this is done in post recording phase.
- record only the desired area and not the full screen (unless is strictly necessary). Most program allows to set a recording window. This will lower the CPU usage.
- after you have the recording software and GR running as well, go back to desktop and run the task manager setting the CPU priority for the recording software. This should help you in the recording process.

Of course you need to play a little bit with all those tips in combination with the recording software settings tt get the best result :roll:

I remember that I used 10 hours to make my first video and it was only 10 seconds long :sweatdrop:

I hope this can help you Soltys :wave:

Re: Which software is best for GR gameplay recordings?

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:07 am
by Soltys
Thanks Mate! I thought you'll be the one who can help with that as you were the first who introduced video to the GR :) I'll inform you as soon as I test it out! Thanks again!

Re: Which software is best for GR gameplay recordings?

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:47 pm
by LongBow
Soltys you were the first who introduced video to the GR :)
...well not really :roll:
As far as I can remember It was RFNagel who did the first :gr: videos...

Let me know how you are doing with you videos :mrgreen: