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GRPL Speedway Grand Prix [TT] [Login]

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 5:39 pm
by Lerhond

made by Kuba
Hi everybody, I want to introduce you to GeneRally Polska Speedway Grand Prix series. First, I’m sorry for my not really good English – but I hope that you can understand me well.

So, the competition. Most of you probably know what Speedway is. This is the competition where four people on bikes are driving on an oval, dirt track. ;) We have been doing this series in GeneRally for 3 seasons, but it was always available to Poles. Until now.

Well, the series will still be hold on our board – GeneRally Polska (, not on GRIF. But we are now working with translating everything connected with SGP to English so you can participate here. And the most important things, like results, Login System links etc. will be uploaded in this thread in GRIF, so don’t worry – if you don’t want to visit GRPL frequently, you don’t have to.

How does the series work?

If you know something about real SGP, you will know that there are always 16 riders, they compete in 20 rides (each driver rides in 5 rides). 8 best from Main Event participate in 2 Semi-Finals, where 2 best from each SF ride in Final. Riders get 3-2-1-0 points in each ride. Our series works very similar.

Because there may be only 16 riders in each Grand Prix, before every GP there will also be hold Qualifying. 8 best Qualifying riders qualify into GP, so do 8 best from overall classification.

It is in detail explained in spoiler below.

There is a Login System using a two-character code.

Where can I download the game package for SGP?

Here: (you don't need to login to download!)

Sorry, I can't upload it here - it's 5,37MB, limit on GRIF is 2MB.

Each tracks have 4 versions, so you can start from each starting pole – 1 is the inside one, 4 is on the outside. The calendar is based on one from real SGP.

OK, I decided to participate. Where can I apply?

On GRPL: (register here:, you can change language on the right side of register site). Everything about Speedway is in English, so you shouldn’t have any problems. If you do – write here, we will surely help you.

Or you can register without an account on GRPL! Just copy this form and fill it in as a response to this thread:

Code: Select all

[b]Nickname: [/b]
[b]Contact: [/b]
[b]Team: [/b]
[b]Helmet: [/b]
[b]Country: [/b]
Nickname - if you have different on GRPL than on GRIF, please write both. GRPL account is not required, but recommended.
Contact - tell me how you want to be contacted if Series Administrator wants to write to you. It may be PM on GRPL, PM on GRIF, Gadu-Gadu, Facebook or whatever you want.
Team - choose one that has an empty place on a start list ( ... as4-en.png).
Helmet - choose one that is not used by anybody in your team. Only white, red, yellow and blue are available.
Country - your real country.

Sporting Regulations are so long, but I have no idea how everything works in SGP. :(

Well, yes, they are quite long: That’s why I prepared a short summary of all rules, which will give you a possibility to start. It’s below.

Applications, helmets, nations

There are 8 nations available for you to choose in Speedway Grand Prix: Australia, Czech Republic, Denmark, United Kingdom, Poland, Russia, Sweden, United States. But nations have nothing to do with your real one, they are only like teams. Nations will have almost equal number of riders in each and it depends on number of players who signed in. Nations will be chosen in order depending to pre-season tests, so 8 best players will choose 8 different nations etc. Each driver also has his own helmet, which he will choose when choosing his nation and it may be white, red, yellow or blue.

Game settings

Race length is always 4 laps, tyre wear 30%, fuel consumption 30%, damage 60% and ghost car must be off. Fuel mass depends: it’s 50 kg in Qualifying and Main Event, 25 kg in Semi-Finals and 0 kg in Final.

Grand Prix scheme, deadlines

One Grand Prix consists of 4 stages: Qualifying (Sunday), Main Event (Wednesday), Semi-Finals (Friday) and Final (Sunday). Each one you can send to 20:00 (time in Poland, UTC+1 in winter, UTC+2 in summer), you may send them later, if the results are not done yet.

In Qualifying and Main Event, you must send 4 saves in a ZIP archive, each save done from another starting pole. In Qualifications all times are summed up, in Main Event riders compete in 20 rides according to this table: ... gpoles.png (each player take part in 5 rides, but you only send 4 saves - one of them is taken two times in results).

After sending your ME saves, you should write a message to Series Administrator (Lerhond) on GRPL or GRIF in which you will point which starting pole is your favourite, which is second favourite etc. (e.g. “3, 4, 2, 1”), so it will be considered when determining starting poles for SF and F.

In Semi-Finals and Final, you must send one GAM file with your ride from a starting pole, which you should ride depending on ME or SF results. Starting pole for each rider is published with ME or SF results.

Login System

Well, there is one. The old one, with two-character code. It was modified by us a bit, so now you can send your save on the site which shows the code and there is also a time counter.


In a Grand Prix event, 4 first players are classified by Final results, 2 next were third in SF and they are classified by points they collected and so do next two. Places 9-16 are determined by points collected in ME.

In overall classification, just all points from all rides from the whole season will be summed up.

In nations classification, points of two best players of each nation in according GP will count to nation’s points sum.

Re: GRPL Speedway Grand Prix [TT] [Login]

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 5:08 am
by Bird
That looks like it's a very good competition! I want to drive here. This is simmilar to PGR F1: It started national and went international after some years.
But please make one thing easier for us. Don't require a registration at GRPL, because that makes some things complicated.

Re: GRPL Speedway Grand Prix [TT] [Login]

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 12:20 pm
by DuklaLiberec
Bird wrote: But please make one thing easier for us. Don't require a registration at GRPL, because that makes some things complicated.
I hope the admins here are kind enough to activate the accounts for the non-Polish participants, because usually only accounts using Polish IP addresses are accepted unless you inform the admins that you are not a spambot and you would like to access the forum.
That was the experience I made by the time when I registrated on GRPL, it may have been changed up to now.

Re: GRPL Speedway Grand Prix [TT] [Login]

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 12:38 pm
by Lerhond
Well, I will contact our admin to check if you are right - we will do everything to give you a possibility to register on GRPL without any problems and without waiting for administrator to activate your account.
If there would be any problems about registering non-Polish accounts on GRPL and it won't be possible to avoid them, I will surely make registration on GRPL unnecessary to start in SGP (but still recommended).
For now, Bird, if you want to start if SGP, I would really want you to register on GRPL and sign in to SGP there. If you will try to register and you will have any problems - write here, I will do everything to help you.

I see that Buka has already signed in on GRPL, so probably there shoulnd't be any problems. ;)

EDIT: Yes, probably some time ago there maybe were some more security when registering, but now it's only a simple question (choose "3" from list or something like this) and e-mail activation.

Re: GRPL Speedway Grand Prix [TT] [Login]

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:47 pm
by Buka
Lerhond wrote:I see that Buka has already signed in on GRPL, so probably there shoulnd't be any problems. ;)
:) Thanks for making it international. :bg:

Re: GRPL Speedway Grand Prix [TT] [Login]

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 3:47 pm
by Lerhond
Well, we checked it - now it's only answering a question (sort 5 numbers descending) and e-mail activation. No IP is banned.

Buka, you're welcome. ;)

Re: GRPL Speedway Grand Prix [TT] [Login]

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 4:57 pm
by Mszostus
At the end of the poles are good in the discipline (real). Therefore, organizing this compo. We hope that it will be a large players, where the discipline is popular and not only.. :)

Re: GRPL Speedway Grand Prix [TT] [Login]

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 8:05 pm
by Szmajli
Whad does the "prefered nation" means? ( I just dont know why do I need to select one) :)

Re: GRPL Speedway Grand Prix [TT] [Login]

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 8:53 pm
by Mszostus
You can change more. "prefered nation" you change nation where you want to race, starting from where you want to ride the most.

Re: GRPL Speedway Grand Prix [TT] [Login]

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 8:54 pm
by Lerhond
It's explained under the form. ;)
"Preferred nations, preffered helmets - you should write multiple countries and helmets in order how much you want them (most preffered on beginning), so when after pre-season test everyone will choose his country, this will be chosen automatically, so time won't be wasted. If you don't want, don't fill in this, but it's recommended to do so.
Available nations: Australia, Czech Republic, Denmark, United Kingdom, Poland, Russia, Sweden, United States.
Available helmets: white, red, yellow, blue."
In SGP on GRPL, you can start in one of 8 nations to choose, like in a team in F1 or something. ;)

Re: GRPL Speedway Grand Prix [TT] [Login]

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 7:09 am
by Szmajli
Thank you!
I didnt see the code part of the first post!

Re: GRPL Speedway Grand Prix [TT] [Login]

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 12:03 pm
by Lerhond
Bird signed in and now we already have 17 participants! Come on, who will be next from GRIF? ;)

Re: GRPL Speedway Grand Prix [TT] [Login]

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 12:35 pm
by ivaneurope
I may decide later.
EDIT: I tried to register with my original username, but it says that it's too long(10 letters).

Re: GRPL Speedway Grand Prix [TT] [Login]

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 12:49 pm
by Lerhond
Well, your username on GRPL is also your nickname in game, but GeneRally doesn't allow more than 8 letters, so you also can't register with such long name on GRPL.

Re: GRPL Speedway Grand Prix [TT] [Login]

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 1:21 pm
by Lerhond
An update 1 to game package has been released. More info here: ... 097#p17097 (login is not needed to download!)

Re: GRPL Speedway Grand Prix [TT] [Login]

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 6:13 pm
by FRUKIScze
Maybe i can join, if you will be posting results here too. (Sorry, if you write it already. I dont have time to read it :( )

Re: GRPL Speedway Grand Prix [TT] [Login]

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 3:38 pm
by Lerhond
Yes, I will publish the results and most importants things there. You just need to sign in on GRPL.

In the first post, I uploaded a Season 4 calendar!

Re: GRPL Speedway Grand Prix [TT] [Login]

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 1:53 pm
by Lerhond

Some important info:
  • Remember to download a current game package, because bikes have been changed a bit!
  • You have received your LS password on GRPL and some people also here, on GRIF.
  • According to second pre-season test's results there will be determined order to choose your team for the whole season. First test is less important and it's mainly to check if everything works and if you know how to send everything etc.
  • Everyone must start in Qualifications. In Qualifications you send 4 saves, each from another starting pole, like in Main Event.
  • You can choose any bike and helmet for Pre-season tests, but the helment must be chosen from 4 available.
  • If you have any problems - contact me.
  • You can log in using a link on right side of GRPL portal. The series uses LS with two-character code.
  • You can send your save after deadline if the results are not published yet. Please contacat me when doing this, so I will see your save (otherwise I could miss it). If you will send your save very late, I can refuse putting it into results.

Re: GRPL Speedway Grand Prix [TT] [Login]

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 1:58 pm
by Buka
What does "oo" mean in oo-T1-Nick-blablabla.gam?

Re: GRPL Speedway Grand Prix [TT] [Login]

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 2:33 pm
by Gzehoo
It's probably the number of round. And because there are tests, there is probably "00" but it looks like "oo".

Re: GRPL Speedway Grand Prix [TT] [Login]

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 2:34 pm
by Buka
Gzehoo wrote:It's probably the number of round. And because there are tests, there is probably "00" but it looks like "oo".
T1 is number of round, I think. :scratch:

Re: GRPL Speedway Grand Prix [TT] [Login]

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 4:53 pm
by Lerhond
Yes, it's 00, just a bad font. For a normal GP it'll be e.g. 12-POL-... I'll consider changing it after first tests.

Re: GRPL Speedway Grand Prix [TT] [Login]

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 6:44 pm
by Szmajli
I cant complete the first test round, because I'll be on holliday from 10 to 17. Sorry :) But I wish a good race and lots of fun for everyone! ;)

Re: GRPL Speedway Grand Prix [TT] [Login]

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 8:39 pm
by Lerhond
  • Bird - you were late by 9 seconds, you don't need to send screenshots and tracks
  • Buka - you were late by 1 minute 8 second, you don't need to send screenshots
  • Lerhond - damage was 0%
  • Danijd - you were late by 1 hour 16 minutes 22 seconds, in your package there was only 1 save
  • Areen - you were late by 11 seconds
  • Gzehoo - you were late by 26 seconds
Because it was just Q before pre-season tests and it didn't determine anything, I absolve everybody from any penalties.
Besides notes above, I want this riders: Marcinho, Wojtek, Bird, Buka, Gimpek, Qwerz, Danijd, Areen to read a scheme of naming GAM files in detail, because it's easier for me to make results if you give your saves proper names, particulary during Main Event.
Than you everybody for sending your save and I'm sorry that results are so late, but I wasn't at home until evening.
Bike numbers:

Re: GRPL Speedway Grand Prix [TT] [Login]

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 12:26 pm
by Lerhond


Second pre-season test will determine who will choose his country for the whole Season 4, so you should now do your best.
There is an extraordinary sitauation where two Grand Prixs are in the same time, but don't worry - in the season there will be bigger breaks.