First i want to apologize for the downtime, this did not went ideal. Sorry for causing a downtime of 3 days.
What was this about anyway?
This forum is hosted by Hetzner within an account bound to a certain domain that is not in use anymore. In Order to being able to cancel this domain (and not pay for it anymore) it was neccessary to transfer everything within this account to a new one.
And why a downtime?
Unfortunately this process involves the cancellation of the domain and re-registering it within the new account. This process does take 1-2 business days as it turned out ...
Could you not just let the forum run until the domain-switch just happen?
As this process does not only incorporate the switch from one domain-account to another but also different database servers and file-servers this was not possible. I could have let the "old" forum run, but as soon as the switch actually happens all progress is lost and new posts and messages are not reflected within the new database.
Absolutely no way around that?
Technically yes, but that depends on the hosting environment and incorporates quiet some planning and maybe a dry run to ensure a smooth transition. In this case this was just not feasable.
As everything is now sorted out and organized quiet nicely within the new account i think its all right for the next years